144 Doug StebletonOn this episode of The Author Inside You we talk to music publisher and film producer Doug Stebleton about his debut novel It's a Wonderful Time. Unlike most authors, Doug wrote a film that he later turned into a book. We discuss his writing process, plus Doug shares some great behind-the-scenes stories about life in Hollywood. KarsAndStars.com HollywoodTimeTravel.com Contact Doug at [email protected] Call 475-4PODCAST (475-476-3227) to leave a voicemail for Leah and Matt
143 Miriam Laundry
We are joined by author and publisher Miriam Laundry on this episode of The Author Inside You. Miriam discusses how she became an entrepreneur as a result of writing a children's book. Also, she shares her story of how she co-authored a book with Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup For The Soul series. MiriamLaundry.com/ 142 Valerie Thompkins
On this episode of The Author Inside You podcast we learn from Valerie Thompkins about how she uses TikTok to grow her audience. Plus, she shares some great advice on finding your audience and increasing the size of your global community. Valerie generously offers to help anyone who needs advice in regards to publishing, all you need to do is reach out to her! [email protected] AuthorValerieThompkins.com TikTok,Instagram, Facebook: @authorvaleriethompkins Call 475-4PODCAST (475-476-3227) to leave a voicemail for Leah and Matt 141 Shawn Singleton IIAuthor, Shawn Singleton, joins us on this episode of The Author Inside You podcast, where we converse about the key traits of a publicist. Additionally, we discuss how Shawn found the ideal publisher for his first book. ShawnTheSpeaker.com For-The-Youth-podcast 140 Nicola KrausWhether you are writing a query letter or a best-selling novel, our guest on this episode of The Author Inside You stresses that it is vital for you to know your audience. Author Nicola Kraus, writer of the immensely popular Nanny Diaries, shares with us helpful tips for writing query letters. Plus she shares some great behind-the-scenes of the making of the movie based on her bestseller. Nicola also explains why so many writers fail to trust. Trust who? Listen to this episode to find out, you just might be surprised at the answer! TheNannyDiaries.com TheFinishedThought.com e-AudioProductions.com Have an idea, comment, or feedback on the podcast? Give Matt and Leah a call at 475-4-PODCAST (475-476-3227) 139 Silvia DavisAuthor Silvia Davis wrote a humorous memoir about her life growing up in a large family. As part of the promotional campaign for her book, Silvia contacted her local Barnes and Noble and was given the opportunity for an in-store book signing. With the help of Facebook Live and her outgoing personality, Silvia was able to sell out the Barnes and Noble supply of her books - and more! Check out this episode of The Author Inside You to hear all of the details of Silvia's fun times at B & N. For more information about Silvia: LivingaParable.com Leave feedback for The Author Inside You at 475-4PODCAST 138: Reagan RotheBefore you submit your manuscript or a sample of your writing to a publisher, it is essential that you do your homework. On this episode of The Author Inside You podcast we discuss the publishing business with Reagan Rothe, the creator and owner of Black Rose Writing, an independent book publisher based in Texas. Reagan shares some great tips on what you can expect from independent publishing houses and what they expect from you. BlackRoseWriting.com Contact Reagan: [email protected] Free Book: TheAuthorInsideYou.com/freebook 137 Mary Ellen Bramwell
On this episode of The Author Inside You podcast we discuss character development with published author Mary Ellen Bramwell. We touch on character growth, consistency, and sequels with returning characters. Mary Ellen also shares a funny story about nearly being rejected by her publisher.
MaryEllenBramwell.com BlackRoseWriting.com e-audioproductions.com 136 David MeyerWhen business slowed down during the pandemic, David Meyer stepped it up by writing a book. In order to share the stories of his clients he utilized his knowledge, and that of his team, to teach readers how to protect their retirement savings. In this episode of The Author Inside You podcast we hear how teamwork was used to write and publish David's book - The Investor Protector. Learn more about Scribe Media InvestorClaims.com BrokerCheck.org TheAuthorInsideYou.com/publish 135 Jyotsna SreenivasanDoes your manuscript need a second look? Jyotsna Sreenivasan has written several published books and reminds us on this episode of The Author Inside You, that it’s important to have a support group. Friends, other authors, or a writer’s group who can give you honest feedback on your manuscript are vital before submitting your book to a literary agent or publisher. Do you have a support group? Check out this episode as Jyotsna gives us some useful tips on finding feedback. These Americans available at bookshop.org SecondGenStories.com Need help ghostwriting or promoting your book? Visit our friends at Scribe Media (affiliate link) |